Exotic Scales on Guitar
8 uncommon scales you must know, Free ebook and Scale Finder Tool

Here's a selection of exotic scales that will boost your guitar improvisation skills. Some of these scales come from the East , where the concept of minor mode and major mode is less evident. They have a mystical flavor that will give variety and originality to your sound. If you are learning guitar scales you also might find useful our interactive guitar scale finder tool (hundreds of scale patterns all along the fretboard) and the free download area , where you can download some scales and chords pdf ebooks.
Table of Contents
- Indian Scale
- Japanese Scale
- Gipsy Hungarian Scale
- Neapolitan Scale
- Persian Scale
- Jewish Scale
- Bizantine Scale
- Arabic Scale
Indian Scale
Scale Formula : 1 b2 4 5 b6
Scale Pattern:
Japanese Scale
Scale Formula : 1 2 4 5 b6
Scale Pattern:
Gipsy Hungarian Scale
Scale Formula : 1 2 b3 #4 5 b6 7
Scale Pattern:
Neapolitan Scale
Scale Formula : 1 b2 b3 4 5 6 7
Scale Pattern:
To learn more about this scale, check out our neapolitan scales tutorial .
Persian Scale
Scale Formula 1 b2 3 4 b5 b6 7
Scale Pattern:
Jewish Scale
Scale Formula : 1 b2 3 4 5 b6 b7
Scale Pattern:
Bizantine Scale
Scale Formula : 1 b2 3 4 5 b6 7
Scale Pattern:
Arabic Scale
Scale Formula : 1 2 b3 4 #4 #5 6 7
Scale Pattern:
Scale Finder Tool
The scale patterns shwon on this page have been created with our guitar scale finder interactive learning tool. It's a free tool that shows you the fretboard pattern for hundreds of different scales and arpeggios. The tool runs online in the browser, you don't need to install anything. Try the scale finder now !
Free Exotic Guitar Scales Ebook :

We've also create a free pdf ebook contains 40 guitar scales patterns of the most tasty exotic scales . Add new flavours to your guitar sound with indian scales , japanese scales, arabian scales , bizantine, jewish, neapolitan and other strange and uncommon guitar scales. Download the ebook here for free
I've shot personally the photo cover of the book. I was in the nearby of the Charminar, Hyderabad, India , what amazing place!