Gmaj13 Guitar Chord | How to Play The G Major Thirteen Chord

Welcome to our tutorial on the G maj13 chord, a rich and complex chord belonging to the Major Chords family. The G maj13 chord is composed of the notes G, B, D, F#, A, C, and E, built on the music intervals of 1 (Root), 3 (Major Third), 5 (Perfect Fifth), 7 (Major Seventh), 9 (Major Ninth), 11 (Perfect Eleventh), and 13 (Major Thirteenth).
This chord's complexity comes from the stacking of intervals, a concept you can learn more about in our guitar music theory tutorial. The G maj13 chord is not just for advanced players. Even if you're still working your way through intermediate guitar chords, you'll find the G maj13 chord a rewarding addition to your repertoire.
When learning to play the G maj13, you'll be delving into the world of ninth, sixth, and other extended chords. These chords often feature in jazz chord progressions, offering a wealth of harmonic possibilities.
Our tutorial will guide you through chord diagrams and fretboard patterns, showing you the tones that make up the G maj13 chord. If you're unsure about any chord shapes, our guitar chords reverse namer is a handy tool to help you identify them.
Understanding the G maj13 chord and its intervals is a step towards mastering chord notation. For more on this, check out our tutorial on how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose it.
So grab your guitar and prepare to explore the rich sounds of the G maj13 chord. Happy strumming!
Notes in the G maj13 chord:
Formula of the Major Thirteen chord:
Fingerings for the G Major Thirteen guitar chord
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C maj13 | D maj13 | E maj13 | F maj13 | G maj13 | A maj13 | B maj13 | C#maj13 | D#maj13 | F#maj13 | G#maj13 | A#maj13 | Abmaj13 | Bbmaj13 | Dbmaj13 | Ebmaj13 | Gbmaj13
How to create your own G maj13 chord fingerings
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.