Gb6(#11) Guitar Chord - Guitar Chords Chart

Welcome to our tutorial on the Gb 6(#11) chord, a member of the Major Chords family. This chord is composed of the notes Gb, Bb, Db, Eb, and C and is built using the intervals 1, 3, 5, 6, and #11. These intervals are also known as the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Augmented Fourth.
The Gb 6(#11) chord is an intermediate level chord, which may require some practice to master. If you are new to such chords, you may find our intermediate guitar chord tutorial helpful. This tutorial provides a detailed guide on how to play chords that are more advanced than those typically learned by beginners.
To understand the structure of the Gb 6(#11) chord, it's essential to grasp the concept of fretboard intervals. Our tutorial on this topic will help you understand how intervals are used to build chords, and how they relate to the fretboard.
As you delve deeper into the world of guitar chords, you may also find it useful to understand how chords are denoted based on the intervals that compose them. Our tutorial on guitar chords notation provides a comprehensive guide on this subject.
Once you've mastered the Gb 6(#11) chord, you can start incorporating it into your music. Our common chord progressions tutorial can help you learn how to put chords together to create beautiful melodies.
Finally, if you encounter a chord shape that you're not sure how to name, our guitar chords reverse namer can assist you. This interactive tool analyzes chord shapes shown on the fretboard and helps you identify them.
Enjoy your journey into the world of guitar chords, and happy strumming!
Notes of the Gb 6(#11) chord:
How the Major Sixth Sharp Eleventh Added chord is built:
Guitar Patterns for the Gb Major Sixth Sharp Eleventh Added chord
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 6(#11) | D 6(#11) | E 6(#11) | F 6(#11) | G 6(#11) | A 6(#11) | B 6(#11) | C#6(#11) | D#6(#11) | F#6(#11) | G#6(#11) | A#6(#11) | Ab6(#11) | Bb6(#11) | Db6(#11) | Eb6(#11) | Gb6(#11)
How to create your own Gb 6(#11) chord fingerings
This fretboard map shows you the tones in the chord all along the neck. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones.