Fm13 Guitar Chord Chart | F Minor Thirteen

Welcome to our tutorial on the F minor 13th (F m13) chord. This complex and rich sounding chord belongs to the Minor Chords family and is composed of the notes F, Ab, C, Eb, G, Bb, and D. The intervals that build this chord are 1, b3, 5, b7, 9, 11, and 13.
The F m13 chord is constructed by stacking intervals, a concept that may be familiar to you if you've already explored our tutorial on guitar music theory. If you're new to building chords, this is a great place to start.
Understanding the intervals that make up this chord is crucial. In the F m13, the Root is F, the Minor Third is Ab, the Perfect Fifth is C, the Minor Seventh is Eb, the Major Ninth is G, the Perfect Eleventh is Bb, and the Major Thirteenth is D. If you need a refresher on these intervals, our fretboard intervals tutorial can help.
The F m13 chord can be a bit challenging to play, but with practice and understanding of its structure, you'll be able to incorporate it into your playing. This tutorial will guide you through chord diagrams and fretboard patterns showing the tones composing the chord. If you're looking for more advanced chords to learn, you might also enjoy our intermediate guitar chords tutorial.
Once you've mastered the F m13, you'll be well on your way to exploring more complex chords and progressions, such as those found in our jazz chord progression tutorial. We hope this tutorial helps you expand your chord vocabulary and enhance your guitar playing skills. Happy strumming!
Notes in the F m13 chord:
Formula of the Minor Thirteen chord:
Fm13 Guitar Chord Shapes
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m13 | D m13 | E m13 | F m13 | G m13 | A m13 | B m13 | C#m13 | D#m13 | F#m13 | G#m13 | A#m13 | Abm13 | Bbm13 | Dbm13 | Ebm13 | Gbm13
F m13 guitar chord: fretboard map of the intervals
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!