F#m13 Guitar Chord Chart and Fingering

Welcome to our tutorial on the F# m13 chord. This chord, a member of the Minor Chords family, is a rich and complex sound that can add depth to your guitar playing. The F# m13 chord is composed of the notes F#, A, C#, E, G#, B, and D#. These notes are built from the intervals 1, b3, 5, b7, 9, 11, and 13, also known as the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, Perfect Eleventh, and Major Thirteenth respectively.
Understanding the notation of these intervals is crucial for mastering the F# m13 chord. You can also deepen your understanding of these intervals and how they are built by checking out our fretboard intervals tutorial.
Our tutorial will guide you through how to play the F# m13 chord, with clear chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that show the tones composing the chord. This chord, while more complex than some, is a fantastic addition to your repertoire, especially if you're moving beyond beginner chords and into more advanced territory.
Remember, learning chords is not just about memorizing shapes, but also understanding how they are constructed and how they relate to each other in a progression. Our music theory tutorial can provide more insights into chord construction.
So, ready to dive into the world of the F# m13 chord? Let's get started!
Notes in the F# m13 chord:
How the Minor Thirteen chord is built:
F# Minor Thirteen Guitar Chord Fingers Positions
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m13 | D m13 | E m13 | F m13 | G m13 | A m13 | B m13 | C#m13 | D#m13 | F#m13 | G#m13 | A#m13 | Abm13 | Bbm13 | Dbm13 | Ebm13 | Gbm13
How to build the F# m13 chord on guitar
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below.