F# Major Ninth Added Guitar Chord (F#add9) | Easy Ways to Play It

Welcome to our tutorial on the F# add9 chord. This chord, which belongs to the Major Chords family, is a beautiful and versatile chord that can add depth and complexity to your guitar playing. The F# add9 chord is composed of the notes F#, A#, C#, and G#, and is built using the intervals 1, 3, 5, and 9.
In music theory, these intervals are known as the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Ninth respectively. Understanding these intervals is key to mastering the F# add9 chord and other advanced chords. If you're unfamiliar with these terms, we recommend checking out our tutorial about fretboard intervals and our tutorial on how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose it.
This tutorial will guide you through how to play the F# add9 chord with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns. These will show you the exact positions of the tones that compose the chord. If you're interested in learning more about chord construction, we suggest our tutorial that teaches how to build chords by stacking intervals.
As you progress in your guitar journey, you'll find that the F# add9 chord is frequently used in various musical genres, including jazz and blues. To further enhance your chord progression skills, consider exploring our tutorial about jazz chord progressions and our tutorial about the most common chord progressions.
Finally, if you're curious about how the F# add9 chord fits into the wider world of guitar chords, you can check out our full tutorial about guitar chords of all types. Happy playing!
Notes of the F# add9 chord:
Tones in the Major Ninth Added chord:
F# Major Ninth Added Guitar Chord Shapes
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C add9 | D add9 | E add9 | F add9 | G add9 | A add9 | B add9 | C#add9 | D#add9 | F#add9 | G#add9 | A#add9 | Abadd9 | Bbadd9 | Dbadd9 | Ebadd9 | Gbadd9
Fretboard map of F# add9 chord tones
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.