D# Dominant Thirteen Sharp Fifth Guitar Chord Fingering

Welcome to our tutorial on the D# 13(#5) chord. This chord, part of the Augmented Chords family, is composed of the notes D#, F##, A##, C#, E#, G#, and B#. The intervals that build this complex chord are 1, 3, #5, b7, 9, 11, and 13, making it a rich and textured addition to your guitar playing repertoire.
Understanding the music intervals that make up the D# 13(#5) chord is crucial to mastering its sound and placement. These intervals include the Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, Perfect Eleventh, and Major Thirteenth. If you're new to the concept of music intervals, we highly recommend checking out our tutorial about fretboard intervals.
The D# 13(#5) chord is not typically the first chord beginners learn, but it's a fantastic chord to add to your skill set as you advance in your guitar journey. It's complexity and richness can add a unique flavor to your music. If you're ready to dive into more advanced chords, have a look at our tutorial about chords more advanced than beginners.
Being able to build chords by stacking intervals is a fundamental skill for any guitarist. Our tutorial that teaches how to build chords by stacking intervals can provide you with a solid foundation for understanding how the D# 13(#5) chord and others are constructed.
To fully grasp the D# 13(#5) chord, it's essential to understand how to notate it based on the intervals that compose it. Our tutorial on how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose it is a great resource for this.
Finally, if you're curious about how this chord fits into larger pieces of music, our tutorial about jazz chord progression often utilizes chords like the D# 13(#5). It can provide valuable context and application for this chord within a musical piece.
We hope this introduction has piqued your interest in the D# 13(#5) chord. In the following tutorial, we'll provide chord diagrams and fretboard patterns to help you master this unique chord. Happy practicing!
Notes of the D# 13(#5) chord:
Chord formula for the Dominant Thirteen Sharp Fifth chord:
Fingerings for the D#13(#5) guitar chord
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 13(#5) | D 13(#5) | E 13(#5) | F 13(#5) | G 13(#5) | A 13(#5) | B 13(#5) | C#13(#5) | D#13(#5) | F#13(#5) | G#13(#5) | A#13(#5) | Ab13(#5) | Bb13(#5) | Db13(#5) | Eb13(#5) | Gb13(#5)
Complete Fretboard Map of D# 13(#5) chord tones
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!