Db Minor Major Ninth (Dbm(maj9)) chords on guitar

Welcome to our tutorial on the Db m(maj9) chord. This chord is an intriguing part of the Minor Chords family, and is built using the notes Db, Fb, Ab, C, and Eb. The intervals that form this chord are 1, b3, 5, 7, and 9, which in complete terms are the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Seventh, and Major Ninth.
The Db m(maj9) chord offers a unique sound that can add depth and sophistication to your guitar playing. It's a more advanced chord, but don't worry - we're here to guide you through it. If you're new to the concept of intervals and how they build chords, you might want to check out our tutorial on building chords by stacking intervals.
Understanding how to denote chords depending on their intervals is also crucial for mastering the Db m(maj9) chord. Our tutorial on chord notation can provide you with the necessary knowledge for this.
As a ninth chord, the Db m(maj9) is a step up from more basic chord types. It's worth taking a look at our tutorial about ninth (9) guitar chords if you're not already familiar with them. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon for this tutorial.
Once you're comfortable with the Db m(maj9) chord, you can start incorporating it into your own music. Our tutorial on common chord progressions can help you understand how to effectively use this chord in your compositions.
We're excited to help you master the Db m(maj9) chord and take your guitar playing to the next level. Let's get started!
Notes of the Db m(maj9) chord:
Chord Formula:
Fingerings for the Dbm(maj9) guitar chord
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m(maj9) | D m(maj9) | E m(maj9) | F m(maj9) | G m(maj9) | A m(maj9) | B m(maj9) | C#m(maj9) | D#m(maj9) | F#m(maj9) | G#m(maj9) | A#m(maj9) | Abm(maj9) | Bbm(maj9) | Dbm(maj9) | Ebm(maj9) | Gbm(maj9)
Fretboard map of Db m(maj9) chord tones
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.