Db Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added (Db7(b13)) chords on guitar

Welcome to our tutorial on the Db 7(b13) chord, a rich and complex member of the Dominant Chords family. This chord, with its unique blend of notes, can add a distinctive flavor to your guitar playing repertoire. The Db 7(b13) chord is composed of the notes Db, F, Ab, Cb, and Bbb, and is built from the following intervals: 1, 3, 5, b7, and b13.
Understanding these intervals is key to mastering this chord. The 1 represents the Root of the chord, 3 is the Major Third, 5 is the Perfect Fifth, b7 is the Minor Seventh, and b13 is the flattened Major Thirteenth. If you're new to the concept of intervals and how they build chords, you might find our tutorial on building chords by stacking intervals extremely helpful.
In this tutorial, we will provide detailed chord diagrams and fretboard patterns to help you visualize and understand the structure of the Db 7(b13) chord. We will also show you the tones that compose this chord, helping you to understand its unique sound. If you're interested in learning more about how chords are denoted depending on the intervals that compose them, check out our tutorial on chord notation.
The Db 7(b13) chord, like all dominant chords, has a certain tension to it that can add depth and complexity to your music. Whether you're an intermediate player looking to expand your chord vocabulary, or a seasoned guitarist interested in exploring more advanced chords, mastering the Db 7(b13) chord can open up new possibilities for your playing.
Notes of the Db 7(b13) chord:
Chord Formula:
Db Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added Guitar Chord Diagrams
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 7(b13) | D 7(b13) | E 7(b13) | F 7(b13) | G 7(b13) | A 7(b13) | B 7(b13) | C#7(b13) | D#7(b13) | F#7(b13) | G#7(b13) | A#7(b13) | Ab7(b13) | Bb7(b13) | Db7(b13) | Eb7(b13) | Gb7(b13)
Fretboard map of Db 7(b13) chord tones
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!