A#9(#11) Guitar Chord | How to Play The A# Dominant Ninth Sharp Eleventh Added Chord

Welcome to our tutorial on the A# 9(#11) chord, a member of the Dominant Chords family. This chord is composed of the notes A#, C##, E#, G#, B#, and D##. It's built using a series of musical intervals, specifically the 1, 3, 5, b7, 9, and #11. If you're new to understanding how chords are constructed, you might want to check out our tutorial on building chords by stacking intervals.
The A# 9(#11) chord is a bit more complex than some of the chords you might have encountered in our beginner tutorials, so if you're ready to take on a challenge, you're in the right place. For a comprehensive understanding of guitar chords, you can also refer to our full tutorial on all types of guitar chords.
We will be providing you with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that clearly illustrate the tones composing the A# 9(#11) chord. For further insights on fretboard intervals, do check out our tutorial about fretboard intervals.
This tutorial is part of our series on dominant (7) guitar chords and ninth (9) guitar chords. These chords are frequently used in various genres, including jazz and blues, and knowing how to play them will greatly enhance your versatility as a guitarist.
Lastly, if you're interested in exploring how this chord can be used in context, our tutorial on common chord progressions will be a great resource. Happy playing!
Notes that compose the A# 9(#11) chord:
Chord Structure:
Guitar Patterns for the A#9(#11) chord
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 9(#11) | D 9(#11) | E 9(#11) | F 9(#11) | G 9(#11) | A 9(#11) | B 9(#11) | C#9(#11) | D#9(#11) | F#9(#11) | G#9(#11) | A#9(#11) | Ab9(#11) | Bb9(#11) | Db9(#11) | Eb9(#11) | Gb9(#11)
Chord tones in the A# 9(#11) chord
This fretboard map shows you the tones in the chord all along the neck. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones.