Unusual chord progressions
11 guitar teachers share their favorite chord sequences
In this small
Questions & Answers
series we are going to ask
11 guitar
three questions related to the guitar learning process.
Getting inspiration from different points of view is one of the best ways to get insights and fuel our inspiration.
Be sure to take advantage of these very interesting answers and try to incorporate them into your practice.
The question for this article is all about chord progressions .
Chord progressions are the foundation of music: we all know the popular rock-blues progression I IV V , or the four-chords sequence used in the most of pop-rock songs ( I V vi IV).
Now it's time to explore new horizons, by learning something new.
So we asked our guitar teachers:
Question "What is your favorite unusual chord progression?"
Experts Answers
Let's check together the insights generated from this question.
There's a turnaround I've been using in "Fly Me To The Moon" to get between the C and Dm7 when you tag,
Please be true...
", and here's the turnaround:
- G2/B - Bb13 -
Then you go on
to the Dm7 and G "
In other words, I love you
If you play it at the 8th fret, and keep your pinky on the B string (8th fret), it feels like an
unusually tight and smooth piece of voice-leading.
Jesse Paliotto -
So many to choose from, so I'll go with what's been on my playlist recently. The opening section of
Dave Brubeck's Strange Meadow Lark
always leaves me motionless and
wide-mouthed with awe, as
does anything from Bill Evans. But that's jazz.
More down the mainstream,
Killer Queen by
is an underrated (if only because of the hype of Bohemian Rhapsody)
masterpiece of almost
unfathomably meandering modulation.
And I must add
It's Not Me by Supergrass
the band that brought us that crudely pop-tastic "Alright") for its unpredictable, albeit
that still sounds as fresh today as they did when I was studying for my GCSE's. Incidentally and
unashamedly, Supergrass remains one of my favorite rock bands of all time.
Mike Beatham -
E5 - E5/D# - C#5 - B5
E5/D# = X69XXX
There is nothing especially spectacular with that progression, but the use of power chords with a
changed bass note is pretty uncommon, even that they are easy to play, and by small means
delivers a fresh sound to an otherwise very recognized area of progressions.
Oscar Steen -
The variation on the
'Round Midnight
chord progression by Miles Davis on the album
Round About Midnight.
... the typical progression is:
[bar 5] |
Bm7 E7 Bbm7 Eb7
but this is plain silly and boring. So Miles recorded:
[bar 5] |
F7 / Emaj7
/ |
With the guitar, you get that bottom open E chord, and if I may share one of my fetish:
Emaj9 = 0X4140 or even 024140
Marc-Andre Seguin -
I like unusual turnarounds - so for example instead of say
G - E7 - Am - D7
I might
Gmaj7 - Bb13 - Ebmaj9 - Ab13
Or perhaps
Bm7 - Bb13 -
Am7 -
Tim Robinson -
Original Star Trek theme
. Alexander Courage rocks!
Very much an orchestrated piece with horns and lots of depth. Lots of jazz influence in a style that was
prevalent in many of the TV shows during the mid 60's.
Key of Bb at 154 bpm.
My best recollection of the essential chord progression would go something like this:
Of course there's a lot of nuance in the original, but the above transcript gives you the basic
idea. The
modulation is nicely dissonant, and the last phrase has a
very cool
built over staggered
that lead to the penultimate
Steve Blundon -
I like chords that move in
, as opposed to
in traditional
harmony. So chord progressions like
etc. They push me to
think outside the normal harmonic
norms and explore
other options beyond my normal bag of tricks when comping and soloing.
Matt Warnock -
My favorite unusual chord progression uses a lot of open strings to create tension. The progression is:
Emadd9 - Cmaj7 #11(no 3rd) - D6 add4 - B add#5/D#
John Gorbe -
I'm a sucker for short four-chord progressions that stray from the chords strictly inside a key. Songs
like Sublime's "
" and
Radiohead's "Creep"
hit you
with a secondary dominant
immediately after the tonic chord. Lately, I'm enjoying Otis Redding's "
Sittin' on the Dock of
the Bay
G B7 C A7
. It's in the key of G, so B7 is the III or
the V of vi. And C is the IV. And A
is the II or the V of V. Really subtle and tasty.
Joe Walker -
Stevie Wonder's version of
For Once In My Life
is one of the greatest songs ever. The
chord progression is as intricate as most of what you'll find in prog rock or fusion, but
the song itself is
a snappy pop tune that'll still pack a wedding dance floor fifty years after it came out.
(And just as a bonus, you get to hear James Jamerson throw down one of the most iconic baselines of all
time—an improvised romp over that progression that never once repeats itself.)
Can you believe Berry Gordy initially vetoed its release and had to be coerced into letting it see the
light of day?
Joshua Skaja -
I love progressions that use the "spy chord" like
E minor Major 9
. This is usually
based on melodic minor scale harmony. I like to arpeggiate it after playing the I chord. Here
is an example.
Play a
then play the
I minor Major 9
. Play around with different variations. It gives a fun spy
Patrick MacFarlane -
My favorite is one I came up with on accident for a song I wrote called, "Got To End." It goes from a
G#min11 to a G7(#11) and then back to the Bminor. I still can't explain why it works but it sounds great
to me and was a great accident.
Griff Hamlin -
Conclusions and More Resources
Hope you found these answers interesting. You should now have new cool chord sequences to experiment with.
And of course, please share your favorite unusual chords progressions in the comments below!
For a complete resource about the topic of this interviews, check my chords progressions tutorial
Here are the other Questions & Answers of this series:
- 2) In your guitar learning path, what is your greatest 'aha' moment?
- 3) How do you manage the fretboard? (CAGED? note name memorization? shapes?)
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